Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Should've hired a one armed paper hanger

This little project started over one year ago. My Mother and I attempted (and I use that term loosely) to wallpaper a teeny tiny powder room. The first strip resulted in my Mother getting an box cutting knife to the head (she was fine, no blood), the second strip was placed successfully and then we called it a day. The next day we tried again, got two strips up. Then I got the shock of my life by finding out I was pregnant with a surprise baby. The powder room remained half papered until I was nine months pregnant and when the nesting instinct kicked in, I managed to find someone that I could hire to finish the job because waddling up a ladder at this point wasn't a great idea. I should have just hired someone in the first place. Lesson learned.

I want to punch Mother Nature in the face

Just when the snow had melted enough that I could see my garden, Mother Nature decided to dump another six inches of snow. So I decorated for spring.