Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Should've hired a one armed paper hanger

This little project started over one year ago. My Mother and I attempted (and I use that term loosely) to wallpaper a teeny tiny powder room. The first strip resulted in my Mother getting an box cutting knife to the head (she was fine, no blood), the second strip was placed successfully and then we called it a day. The next day we tried again, got two strips up. Then I got the shock of my life by finding out I was pregnant with a surprise baby. The powder room remained half papered until I was nine months pregnant and when the nesting instinct kicked in, I managed to find someone that I could hire to finish the job because waddling up a ladder at this point wasn't a great idea. I should have just hired someone in the first place. Lesson learned.

I want to punch Mother Nature in the face

Just when the snow had melted enough that I could see my garden, Mother Nature decided to dump another six inches of snow. So I decorated for spring.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dreaming of Southern Living

Today I am sick on the couch and perusing some historic homes in Charleston. Now I just have to get my butt up and go buy a lottery ticket.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An Etsy Addict

I can't help myself.  If I am lucky enough to have five spare minutes without the kids needing my attention, I will race to the computer and check out the latest listings on this fantastic site. These are just a few of my favourite purchases:

These two vintage prints were only $5 for the pair! They are currently away at the framers. The detail is amazing and I can't wait to see them hung on the wall...if I can find space.

This necklace was an early Birthday present for me, from my Father. BUT I picked it out and ordered it and paid for it. Thanks Dad! I had my daughter's names stamped on the back.  It is by West Byron @ Etsy and is called the Park Avenue Mama Pendant.

Below is a shirt by Replicca, a Canadian company, which is the main reason I bought it.  Once it arrived, I was amazed at the excellent craftsmanship of this top.  Well worth the price. Now I just need to get the same body as the model and I am all set!

This was a Christmas present that I ordered, but it came too late and now I am resisting the urge to just keep it for myself. This is from the Beau and Stella Etsy shop.

My favourite place to be besides home,

Their Scottish Seafood Selection
Below is the entrance, the photo is a little fuzzy, but you get the general idea.

One of my favourite places in the entire world is The Witchery By The Castle, in Edinburgh.  The food is incredible and the ambiance is even better.  Here are some photos to give you an idea, but check out their website to get a better idea of their rooms that you can let for the night.